My dear childhood friend, Katherine Taylor Pittman, and I just recently reconnected. After viewing my B&B website and reading the bed story, she wrote the sweetest poem about that same bed. She gave me permission the share the poem. Thank you, Katherine!!
Memories flood my heart and soul of the time I spent with my parents in this old bed. The bed is old; my thoughts are new as I think of the time I spent in you.
The years of laughter you heard when we piled up with our parents on a Saturday morning. You held us all in that one place, so close and comfy, a big smile on our face.
The love you could feel from the family bond, the moments so precious on a cold winter’s morn.
I wander what you would say about those times? Would you boast of the real gift of our family time.
Would you tell of the day before you came to us? Tell the sweet story about the special old man who owned you and then traded you to my daddy for gas.
Since you cannot speak we just watch you remain, a faithful friend, and know those who sleep on you can enjoy you like we did.
Old bed you are at home with us, while memories you are making over and over as you are the resting place of our new friends.